Cannot Change Tag Capitalization

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  1. Shortcut To Change Capitalization
  2. How To Change Tag Light Bulbs
  3. Change Capitalization In Word

Oct 17, 2011 - The reasons why you should never use capital letters in your URLs. Can't guarantee that Google will index all your changes as Google relies on a. That by setting your title tag within your content management system or the.

This seems like a pretty obvious feature and I'm surprised it wasn't included in the first place. (Though there are plenty of features being added on a regular basis I've no use for.) There should be a checkbox next to Simplified that says 'Omit images'. Subtracting images isn't that hard, folks. As for the 'use case', take your pick.

There may be a list of things interspersed with unwanted images like this GIF animation nightmare: I could be getting a lot more things done in Evernote at work that aren't necessarily related to the thing I should be working on, but the images 'give it away'. For now, this does the job reasonably well:. The formatting of merged notes is, to put it mildly, 'unattractive'. I almost dread merging notes because the results need to be edited before I can tolerate looking at them.

While I suppose it's handy to know that a note is the results of two individual notes, I can't imagine there aren't a nearly infinite number of better ways to indicate that fact. Ditch the grey background. Use the same font used for titles of notes. No need to embellish.

For bonus points, add metadata to the bottom indicating the results of the merge (what notes were merged to create the resulting note.) 4. Destructive actions ilke this should also be UNDOABLE. (Or, at least, give the option of keeping the individual notes.).

Hello, I have just started using EverNote, and it is awesome! However, I have OCD and there is one particular thing that really grinds my gears even though its a small insignificant thing.

I have tagged a note as 'bonerJams.' However, I intended to capitalize it as 'BonerJams' out of respect for these particular jams. When I delete the tag and retype it, but capitalized, EverNote automatically changes it to bonerJams! How disrespectful. Is there a way to fix this? I like that EverNote suggests previously made tags, but I just want to get rid of the uncapitalized tag. HELP ME THIS IS URGENT!

As soon as I start typing the capitalized tag, it converts it to the uncapitalized tag. I tried tricking it by pasting in the capitalized tag. It looked like it was going to work, but then after hitting 'Enter,' it converted it to the uncapitalized tag I had accidentally used before I tried adding a new tag not only in the note, but in the 'Tags' sidebar view thingy too, and I got an error message saying that 'Tag names must be unique, duh.' I tried deleting the uncapitalized tag in the 'Tags' sidebar view thingy.

That did not work either. Okay, I fixed it, you must delete the tag in the note.

Then delete the tag in the 'Tags' view. Then add the capitalized version. Then go to the note and add the capitalized tag.

(however, now it won't let me add the uncapitalized version. The lesson here:. When you create a tag in Evernote, Evernote remembers it and tries to show it in the UI with capitalization that you created it with. When you search using tags, (for example. 'tag:bOnErJams'), case is ignored.

If you don't like the capitalization of the tag that you created (or the spelling, or whatever), then all you need to do is rename the tag (method varies on platform). The tag will be renamed on all notes that used the original tag. All of these rules are entirely respectful. This may have already been cleared up, but after upgrading to EN 5.2, (Window Desktop client) I encountered the same problem. After trying different things, I finally did this: After right-clicking the tag in the tag list, I retyped it the way I wanted. Then hit 'Enter' on the keyboard.

Simply retyping the new name and clicking to the right of the tag won't cut used to, but not anymore. It doesn't matter if you're showing a note using the old tag (at first I thought it did).just be sure to hit enter to enact the change. Works like a charm.

Cannot Change Tag Capitalization

Shortcut To Change Capitalization

Evernote 5.1.1, Mac OSX. I want to add my complaint to the others in this group. When I type a new tag, I do not want Evernote to change the capitalization I use. I know what I'm doing, and I don't want the program to make an error in capitalization that I then have to go in to correct. It's really annoying. But apart from this, I think EN is a really great program.

Ok 1) I would recommend updating to the most recent version 5.5.1 2) Let me see if I understand your situation. You have a note called 'pillowcase inventory' You have an existing tag called 'Personal' (with a capital P), and perhaps an existing tag called 'PPTS' (An acronym all caps). NEITHER of these are currently attached to the pillowcase inventory note. You want apply the tag 'personnel' (lowercase p) to the note. You have never used personnel before so it will be created when you apply it. When you begin typing. P it suggests 'Personal' and 'PPTS', then you continue.

E r and it drops PPTS but continues to suggest Personal including the capital P. If you continue s o n n it drops the 'Personal' suggestion but keeps the capital P, so you end up with 'Personnel' instead of 'personnel' If this is the scenario you are talking about, there is a less-than-elegant solution, but it is perhaps better than correcting the case in the tag screen. The best way around this is, before hitting 'return' to create the tag, navigate your cursor to the first letter and re-type it. So when you have Personnel typed out, but not yet confirmed as a tag, arrow back to the beginning (or press opt-left arrow to quickly jump there), and replace the P with p. Kind of clumsy but it's the best way I know to solve the issue before the tag is created and before you have to go fix the tag in the tag list screen. A suggestion: take advantage of Evernote's auto-correct feature (at the expense of not using any tags that start with a small letter). Start all your tags with a capital letter.

How to change tag heuer battery

Whenever you enter a tag, don't type it with a cap. Let Evernote auto-complete the tag. This ensures that your tags are spelled correctly. Periodically scan your list for tags that don't start with a capital letter. These are almost certainly typos and other tags in there that you entered inadvertently. Correct them. I'm a new convert to Evernote (I hated the previous UI), but I use this system with other large databases and recommend it.

How To Change Tag Light Bulbs

This is a pretty frustrating bug. Here are some examples where this bites me. A have a tag called EMF. I'm creating a new tag called emergency. Because Evernote auto capitalizes, I'm left with EMergency. I want to keep EMF capitalized because it is an abbreviation. So the only way to create Emergency so that EM isn't capitalized, is to create it, then go back and rename.

Or create it in the tags section instead of as I'm tagging a note. Both of these are pretty inefficient and time consuming. Here's a couple other examples: AT&T ATomic Clock CAP CAPtion UPEK UPgrade UPdating Try doing a couple of these from within a note to see how frustrating something so small can be.

This is a pretty frustrating bug. Here are some examples where this bites me. A have a tag called EMF.

Change Capitalization In Word

I'm creating a new tag called emergency. Because Evernote auto capitalizes, I'm left with EMergency. I want to keep EMF capitalized because it is an abbreviation. So the only way to create Emergency so that EM isn't capitalized, is to create it, then go back and rename. Or create it in the tags section instead of as I'm tagging a note. Both of these are pretty inefficient and time consuming.

Here's a couple other examples: AT&T ATomic Clock CAP CAPtion UPEK UPgrade UPdating Try doing a couple of these from within a note to see how frustrating something so small can be. Which Evernote client are you using, and how specifically are you trying to create the new tags (e.g. Where are you clicking, typing, etc.)? I don't see this happening in the Windows client or the web client. For example, I have a 'NASA' tag. I want to create a new tag 'Natural' on a note: click on 'Click to add tag.' 'NASA' certainly comes up in the suggestion list.

But typing 'Natural' just results in a new tag 'Natural', as expected. I created an account on here specifically to echo MediaBaron's post. I create most tags as lower-case, but use initial cap for proper names and acronyms/initialisms. I just now tried to create a tag called 'TPP,' but Evernote insists on suggesting 'technical.' If I keep going, I get 'tPP.' If I don't take your initial suggestion, but keep typing, you should honor my capitalization as I typed it originally. So now, instead of quick-and-easy tagging, I have additional friction in the product: I have to pay attention to what Evernote is suggesting, then before I hit Return, arrow-key over to change the initial cap to what I want.

C'mon, folks - if MS Word can get it right, so can Evernote. EN 6.0.11 on OSX 10.10.3.

It helps if you mention what OS you are using. In the Windows client, go to the Left Panel and find the tag. Press F2 or right-click to rename. Tags are easier to use if you have a consistent naming system: 1.) keep tags short whenver possible (home, car, job) 2.) use only lower case letters for tags (bonerjams) 3.) add hyphens between multi-word tag (hewlett-packard) Your list suggests that the user change their behavior around the application rather than the other way around. That is the opposite of usability.

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