Df -total Command For Mac

Df -total Command For Mac Average ratng: 3,4/5 3199 reviews

Every NIC (Network Interface Card) has a unique MAC address (Media Access Control).This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet cards and WiFi cards. The MAC Address is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number that is used to uniquely identify a host on a network.


Tags:, My nephew asked me (again) how to clean up disk space on his mac. He tells me that he deletes files and empties the trash but nothing happens. Clearly he's either:. Drunk. Speaking through one of many different personalities that he posesses, none of which know what the other is doing.

Lying There are a number of pages out there that will tell you how to but the best tools to do this are good ol' unix tools that have been around for decades. Incidentally, is also a great tool for visualizing what your disk usage looks like so you should download it, run it, and see what you've got. But here, I'm going to show you what I do. First, you'll need a command line shell, so go to the Finder and launch Applications - Utilities - Terminal. From there you'll want to do this. # Change to your home directory cd # Find out how much disk you have available df. Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/disk1 48730568 95% / # You can see that I have, essentially, a 500GB disk on my mac and I'm using nearly all of it.

# If I want to know where it's going, I would first find out how much is being used in my # home directory. # This might take a while to run so be patient du -sh 354G. Well, that's a lot. Now let's break that down: du -sk.

  1. FILL (Command) Products and versions covered. AutoCAD for Mac 2018. 0 contributions. In-Product View. ADD TO COLLECTION. Visit AutoCAD for Mac forum. AutoCAD for Mac Ideas. Share and vote on ideas for future product releases. Find Service Providers.
  2. Highlight the volume in finder (note, that it must be the root of the volume), and hit cmd + i. The info dialog that appears shows you the filesystem type against the.

sort -n 0 Public 4 molex.parts.txt 8 Desktop 8 song.txt 20 bin 240 scratch 1228 Applications 6292 Pictures 1385960 Macheist 1561260 code 2864748 Dropbox 2955184 Documents 11738324 Downloads 12477984 Library 19843364 Movies 29010916 Videos - March 22nd 208 Music 48296516 AudioData 195036888 Guitar That's the most important command. You run du in in summary mode, where all of the numbers are in kilobytes and then you sort them numerically, where the larger numbers go to the bottom. I do a lot of work with my guitar and I have a lot of data associated with it so it's the biggest by far.

Let's take the Music directory and see what's in there. # Head into the Music diredtory and rerun the du command there cd Music du -sk. sort -n 716 Audio Music Apps 42968676 iTunes # Not much of value in that, so let's look in the iTunes directory cd iTunes du -sk. sort -n 4 sentinel 16 iTunes Library Extras.itdb 32 iTunes Library Genius.itdb 940 iTunes Library.itl 1944 Previous iTunes Libraries 212240 Album Artwork 42753492 iTunes Media # Keep going cd iTunes Media du -sk. sort -n 0 Automatically Add to iTunes.localized 0 Downloads 7256 Voice Memos 3331504 Audiobooks 39414720 Music # Let's look in Music.

But I'm only going to be interested in the top 2 cd Music du -sk. sort -n tail -2 1728208 Pat Metheny 1844824 Dave Matthews Band Dave an Pat! I love Dave and Pat's just ridiculously good.


Terminal Command For Mac

Well, I'm not going to delete them but it was fun to look. If I wanted to wipe out Dave then I could go to iTunes and delete him, but there's no way I doing that. There you go.

That's how to see what you've got per folder, but don't forget about because it does, essentially, the same thing but graphically and more fun, if you're afraid of the command line.

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The other day I was using df -h to check disk space usage, and was surprised to see some odd entries in the output: $ cd /Volumes$ df -h./dev/disk2s3 75Gi 51Gi 24Gi 69% /Volumes/datafilesmap -hosts 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% /netmap autohome 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% /home.I had no idea what the map entries were there for; they don't show if you simply do ls /Volumes. After inquiring around, a friend managed to find the answer for me: they're related to the autofs feature in 10.5 and 10.6.

You can read all about it, if you care, in. I was more curious than alarmed, as I hadn't remembered seeing those entries before (I don't use df -h folder all that often). @kiezpro: /bin/df is independent from the working directory, as it shows the usage of all mounted entities, including non-disk mount points like /dev, etc. /usr/bin/du on the other hand shows the amount of space used by the files and subdirectories in the current directory, if called without a file or directory argument. While it's true that df without any folder arg lists all mounted filesystems, we can feed it an argument to have its output report on just the filesystem associated with that folder. Localhost: halito$ df -h.Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on/dev/disk0s10 16Gi 12Gi 3.4Gi 79% /localhost: halito$ cd /Volumes/Utilitylocalhost:Utility halito$ df -h.Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted onafp004Ifb1LRRx6001Eic06SdO0-2.2d000005 15Gi 9.6Gi 5.4Gi 65% /Volumes/Utilitylocalhost:Utility halito$ df -h /Volumes/.Music.Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on/dev/disk0s12 40Gi 39Gi 776Mi 99% /Volumes/alMusicafp004Ifb1LRRx6001Eic06SdO0-3.2d000006 64Gi 41Gi 22Gi 65% /Volumes/MusicStorage-HI-.

As has been noted above several times, these two filesystems- /net and /home-are related to the new auto-mount daemon introduced in 10.5. I haven't seen anyone mention what their primary purpose is, and that is to provide mountpoints for clients managed by OS X Server. If your home folder lives on the server (and syncs to your local machine), it will be placed under /home, which is traditionally where Unix-like systems store home folders (instead of OS X's usual /Users). And your auto-mounted sharepoints will live under /net, instead of the usual place in OS X- /Volumes.

If you start up your non-managed Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6 machines in verbose mode (cmd-V at startup), you will notice on shutdown the following two entries on the console screen: Unmounting of /home failedUnmounting of /net failedThis is nothing to be alarmed about; the unmounting failed because you never mounted anything there in the first place, because you are not a managed client. Some folks I've seen on the 'Net have wrongfully assumed these entries were due to a bug in Apple's code.

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